Distribution Partner Resources

Thank you for partnering with us to distribute much needed solar lights.

Use our quick links below for our helpful resources.

Reports & Surveys

You can find all of the reporting requirements and resources to help communicate your distribution impact!

JuniorBuddy Instructions - SolarBuddy

How to build your JuniorBuddy

Full instruction guide

How to build your JuniorBuddy

Short instruction guide

JuniorBuddy Instructional Video

How to quality control lights

Checking Lights

How to check a JuniorBuddy light has been assembled correctly

Checking Letters

How to quality control letters that are included with lights

Checking the black rubber seals

Checking JuniorBuddy faces and switches

Checking and testing the light

Incorrect bumpers and how to fix

Packing instructions

How to pack 25 JuniorBuddy lights back into Yellow Buckets

How to pack 50 JuniorBuddy lights back into Yellow Buckets

Photography Guide

How capturing great photos can help inspire a more impact